Thursday, September 30, 2010


I don't remember who said jsut to get on a little at a time or soemthing.. but it does not work for me.. i get on and i'm on a long time, catching up on reading and things..oh me... i'm missing lots of info i didn't know and still don't know.

now i forgot completely what i was going to say..

but i agree with the a christmas reunion or something like that..
dang i'm brain dead after 3 hrs of info overload of lab.. and forgive my spelling and grammer.
even the STA and teacher and students in my class were having troubles talking.. so it's just a bad talk day for me...

Can you believe it! It is almost time to sign up for spring semester.. or at least for me (25 days)..
WOW! is what i ahve to say about that..

anyways..since i forgot what i was going to say.. i'll go..

Have a great time, day, night everyone!!


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