Monday, September 27, 2010

Date in Idaho :)

Nikki is my hero, she saved me...
I got nervous and was sweating pretty bad after i got ready for my date! haha so awkward but thanks Nikki! lol :)
For our date we made homemade pizza and played games, it was WAY fun!
Oh and P.S. this is Bobby, it was hard to find a way good picture cuz he is always just messing around in them but oh well.ha Dont go facebook stalking now, just ask me about him instead! lol haha He is from California just like Brookie except not the same place! ;) Maybe Brookie and him have been surfing together and showed off their mad skills to each other! haha luv ya Brookie Cookie! :)
This is what happens when you have roomies and you get ready for a date. You come out wearing your clothes and then they turn you around and have you wear theirs! haha It was fun though to dress up out of my plain normal saraness! :) (can you believe it I am actually wearing sandals!)
Ha ha I hope you chicas are having a great week and doing well! I love you all and of course miss you! Everytime I look at pictures i miss you even more! Luv ur guts!
-Newman :)


  1. You & Nikki are dorks. But that pizza looks delicious! Kinda not really haha.
    So what is this Bobby kid like? lol

  2. SARA!!! ow ow!!! So how is this guy? Do you like him? Is he the one? Are you guys gonna get married??? Can I be a bridesmaid!?!?!? :D
    hehe I love teasing you

  3. oh newman. ya look good in sandals. & those jeans. kuz those are definitely not newman jeans. hahaha
    so if ya get married... let me know. ok. thanks

  4. I agree wit sinny all the way, sandals shud be the new you! hehehe We shud go shopping together just you and I, you look good with bangels. And your hair is getting long!!! your hair is so easy to make if i were you I'd spunk it up everyday hehe when i see pictures of you, I miss you too

  5. Lol brookie and i totally thought the same thing!! that sandals were weird and those jeans were even weirder! but oh well you looked super cyuuute! ps you guys all need to come down to the big P-town so I can meet...and question big time this Bobbay...and if I can't scare him off I'll give my stamp of approval cuz it's definitely needed.

  6. Haha ya Vina we are dorks like all the time but its all good cuz at least we are dorks together! Ya the pizza looks weird but was actually pretty good i think! Bobby is really cool, i think you guys would all like him a lot!

    Nicoe! Of course you can be my bridesmaid, that is a given! Just not for a couple more years!:) haha

    Syd! Ya i am trying to get used to the sandal thing, its really weird but actually pretty good when you dont have to take time to tie shoes! I know right? My jeans look nothing like that ever haha it made me laugh when she told me to put them on! But i decided to be brave and give them a try!

    Lizabeth! Hey chica, i am down with going shopping with you for sure! haha that would be a fun day! I will try working on actually doing my hair for you! Maybe next week i will try to do it different every day or something!

    Sara! Thank you! :) I know Crazy right? i was a brave girl and actually wore jeans AND sandals! haha the jeans remind me of "josh" jeans haha but it was fun slash interesting to try something new for a change! Go to P-Town eh? haha that might be a possibility for sure but you cant question the poor boy cuz thats weird and you might make him cry! haah jk

    hope you guys are all doing good in school and staying out of trouble :) Luv ur guts
    -Newman :)

  7. You should bring him down here and we can all play 5000000 questions with him :D
    See if he can handle all of us together ahahaha
    But i like those jeans. :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. its not weird, don listen to those two. P-town? really? you wanna floss up the real name? you guys must be bored teehee. P-town. hehe. Newman, getting in trouble is the new "fun" teehee
