Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Officially a Commuter

So. Here's a picture of my old room.
Maybe I'll put pictures of my current living place. lol
Anyways, I used to live in the dorms, but I just moved back this past weekend. I became officially a commuter on Monday, because that's when I checked out. It sucks to be honest. It takes an hour to get to school & an hour back. Plus the time waiting for the trax and what not. And I leave my house at 7:30 in the morning, except Tuesdays & Thursdays :] Then I leave at 9.

I left for a few reasons. Financially, it was hard. Also, my mom really needed help watching the girls [my sister & niece] and help with driving and the house & all that good stuff. And then one of the main reasons was, believe it or not, big surprise, I just had a really hard time living up there. I sort of isolated myself, at least those were the words the social worker told me. With everything that went on this summer, it was just too much for me to handle, and it really sucked. If you don't know what happened, you can ask someone else. So, we finally made the decision to move me out. & therefore, I am currently sleeping in the living room, I live out of my laundry basket and bins in the garage. I have no space whatsoever, so I'm pretty much everywhere. That sucks too.
I think the only ones that knew I moved out was Brookie [of course] & Elizabeth & Chae.

Other than that, school's fine. My classes aren't too bad, except I've been getting behind in my Substance Use/Abuse class, which is a very interesting class. I learned that I am susceptible to becoming an alcoholic. Good thing I only had one drink at that frat party. & it was so good. lol

I went to homecoming with Elizabeth & her friends. It was pretty fun. There was this really really fine guy there. & he was brown! haha
Vina. I'm am so happy that you're letting me to be the one to tell the world. Because you know that's exactly what would happen. I have a big mouth, and I can't help it. haha I can't wait to spread the news. haha

So....I miss you guys! I hope school is going great for you.
& we definitely need a friend reunion around Christmas time, since I would think all of you would be coming back home to spend it with your fams.

To end on a good note. hahaha Representin my school. The U, who is undefeated in the football category!!!!!! GOOOO UTES!!!



  1. I want you 2 go back & teo ur social worker to isolate HERSELF. Talking to you like she know you!, shoo ANYWAEZ. yeah I'm glad u moved back home, & I'm also glad u understand the process of commuting ( IT SUX 4 PEOPLE with zero patience). So yeah, you talked to chae??? like when? like how is she?....oh yeah and uh hahahaha I bet all the dances r like that. what about CC?? and yeah, you need to stay steady with school and continue to push forward. Like our humanities class membuh???? teo ur mom ur horsey fren says HELLO!

  2. Love ya Squidney!!! Miss ya tons and remember...drinking is no bueno...i would be way too sad in twenty years if I was driving down the road and saw you drunk and passed out. no bueno. Love ya

  3. Aww. It's okay squid at least you tried to live away from home:) unlike me who refuses to leave haha. It's okay to drink squid haha just make sure you dont over do it - trust me you'll want to die the next day not a good feeling. And yes, i know that is exactly what would happen if i told either of you guys something first hahahaha.

  4. I definatley know what the cummutor life style is like. I've been one from day one.. and my dive is about an hour too, depending on if i drive or bus it. unless i decide to go 80 to 90 then it's like 20 to the 30 minutes.. i better watch myself.. one of these days, something terrible is going to happen. like yesterday this guy in a truck next to me, we both almost hit a bicyclest and 3 kids all dressed in black and j walking.. but that wasn't on the freeway going fast.

