Friday, November 19, 2010


so i figured i better get on this and do my 13 dirty little secrets as my inciation(sp?)
to the bloggin club...

  1. I am recently addicted to frozen yogurt at only 33 cents an ounce.
  2. I'm kind of burnt out from school and never really got back into the groove this semesster
  3. the reason i never post anything is because I didn't know how to sign in
  4. most of you already know this... but brown people particularly boys are intimidating to look at, so i just look down or all around except for at them.
  5. i am afraid i'm loosing time going to college opposed to staying home and being with family particularly papa
  6. i don't know what i want to major in anymore because chemical engineering is opposite of the pretty picture i had painted
  7. living with biggs makes me feel happy and comfortable as if i am in high school all over again with everyone
  8. wish i could be more social and willing to go out of my comfort zone of friends and meet at least one new person a day
  9. am craving my drivers license .... BADLY but don't know how to start the process of getting my license
  10. i know how to make quarter lei's but have been sworn to secrecy on the "how to's" so for next graduation... i'll be prepared
  11. don't like odd numbers because i am the second child... and i believe their are specific personalities for the placement of a child in the sibling line up
  12. i tresspassed with my cousin in hawaii and swam in some older couples swimming pool while they were out and then ran home when we heard their car. and told my dad we were just playing around with the hose outside.
  13. am afraid that i will be attacked by a vampire one night, and then i could be way fast and not have to sleep and be the bomb at school.

whoo 13 is a lot... most of it is just rambling/space filler

but none the less i still feel so accomplised finally posting something

love everyone HEAPS

bbbuurroookie crisps


  1. FINALLY!!! She posts something!!! Now just make a damn facebook ;)

  2. ha ha I knew it was you brookie as soon as i glanced at the 33 cent frozen yogurt
