HELLO CHICA LEEKAS! :) So, in case you wanted to know 13 random things here ya go haha I loved reading all of yours! Mine are not as exciting but here ya go...
1- I am on my bed right now eating tortilla chips.
2- I have a huge test coming up and I 100% have to do awesome on it cuz a lot is riding on it.
3- Rexburg dryness hates me and my poor skin and made my left hand all rashy and dry while my right hand is very nice and smooth... very random and weird.
4-I am coming home to Utah next week! Thank goodness for Thanksgiving! :)
5-At this moment I am texting Nicoe about Sonic haha
6-I got a new scholarship for next semester, wahoo!
7-Speaking of new semester, I will be staying in the frozen tundra over winter considering I got into the nursing program! :)
8-I miss you all like crazy and wish we could do something fun at this exact moment!
9-Tired of the tortilla chips, here comes pop tarts... how nutritious of me i know! haha
10- My socks are red and definitely do not match my purple shirt.... sorry Nikki!
11-I am getting 5 new roommates next semester cuz all mine are leaving which makes me extremely sad!
12-Me and Nikki are still pro at laughing uncontrolably over random things and I love it. Always makes my day! We have been especially good at that lately right before bed!
13-I am on a battleship team! It is so fun to play and even funnier to watch! :)
I miss you all and luv ur guts even more! I hope you are all doing absolutely positively fabulous! Have a great weekend, do something fun, or study, or both!
-Newman :)
battleship team??? NERD ALERT!!! hahah jk I would join too lol