Friday, October 8, 2010


There have been a lot different things that I have been doing lately.

I have been studying for test, and doing homework, but I have been doing some fun things.

I went to the BYU vs. USU football game which was way fun. There was a sign that said "waist of tithing", and I thought it was mean and I am from USU. There was also a lion with a BYU t-shirt that was hung by a rope. I wish you could have come Sara. It okay though because BYU lost to USU the score was 31 to 16. GO Utah State!!!

Oh yah my parent had a surpise party for my b-day, and my parent, sister, Lisa(exchange student), and my grandparents. They cooked very good tri trip which is like steak, and dunch over potato. I was glad that they came up for my birthday.

I went to a rodeo which was fun. We sat in the front rode and one my friend Kelsey with brown hair got scared when the animals where close to us.

There was a really fun Young Single Adult Stake activity which was at a Sports Academy. I stayed in the gymnastics part of the building the whole time. There was a STUPID Ed that was trying to spot a girl to do a trick and it looked like she was going to get injured.

I have been going in the Logan Canyon which are BEAUTIFUL!!! My friends Liz(tall and hair blonde) and Kelsey(brown hair)
I love you guys, and miss you.
little dionne

1 comment:

  1. Dionnie!
    It looks like you are loving Utah State and having tons of fun! It is good to hear from you! How is school going?
    -Newman :)
