Sunday, October 10, 2010

LizbBef lufs Brooke and Sinny

This is the hang out with our Samoan sistas...that probably sounds lame. shoo!!

This is us with my cowboy, I don't know why Sinny is holding his hand.

Brooke being weird...with sinny's shoe on the side....made in china

Sinny and Brooke taking over the block...this is us leaving the lamo institute "party". And they probably put something in the drinks cz then we started acting weird

see what I mean??? HAHAHA Taking a pix using the trax might seem fun, we had fun being with each other but the songs were full on boring, there were no hot single guys, and there was a creepo following me. Sorry to Brooke, the U is not that lame, as Sinny is my witness. and sori sinny, I should've known better cause "Institute Party" sounded bad enough LOL. I really wanted to hang out time we REALLY should just go TP someone's house or sumsing like that

1 comment:

  1. haha looks like you crazies had a blast! Love the pictures!
    -Newman :)
